Wi-Fi has become our life essential. But its signal strengths vary in our whole home, or the Wi-Fi speed is slow. No one likes non-stable internet, and everyone’s trying to find tips for a stable network. In an era of work from home, it is mandatory to have high-speed, stable, and strong signal Wi-Fi at the whole home. The best solution to this problem is to use a Wi-Fi mesh network. The Wi-Fi mesh network is the best thing that happens in home networking. Its popularity reasons include strong Wi-Fi as well outlook of Wi-Fi system as it is aesthetically better than traditional Wi-Fi systems. In this article, we have covered how to set up a Wi-Fi mesh network system for your home.
What is a Wi-Fi mesh network?
A Wi-Fi mesh network is a communication system having radio nodes managed in a mesh topology. A mesh system is designed to cover gaps of Wi-Fi signals in different rooms by using multiple points. It will utilize one main internet point or primary point that is plugged into the router through an Ethernet cable. Other devices are placed at a distance from this main point. All these points will communicate with the Wi-Fi main router of the home.
Mesh network allows all the points to communicate and fill the gaps with strong Wi-Fi signals as all points belong to the same wireless system, so the user does not need to change the password or network.
In this system, there is no need to worry about where you are at home or which device you are using as signal strength will be the same.
In simple words, a mesh network resembles a spiderweb of signals that are joined with each other.
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Requirements to set up a Wi-Fi mesh network
These are the requirements that should be checked before setting up a Wi-Fi mesh network.
- First, determine how much internet coverage you need for your home, including indoors and outdoors of the home. Ensure to measure the square foot of the home and check the distance between floors of the house if you have multi floors. Wireless transmission is affected by walls, doors as well as appliances like microwave ovens and phones. If there are any dead zones in your home where internet coverage is low, mesh systems can easily provide the best coverage to that area. As they are expandable, you have to add another wireless point there.
- Next is to place the router for maximum Wi-Fi reach. The best location for the router is to place at the centre of the home but away from fireplaces. Try to place it in an open space as it will reduce interference to signals. The main router should be installed near the cable modem or existing router.
- After placing the router now, you should find the ideal location for every satellite node in your room. Node location varies with each system. But it is seen as a common practice to put the second node 30 feet apart from the first node. Or the maximum distance between two nodes should not be more than two rooms. Nodes should be near to the electric outlet. Now many companies provide a physical LED on every node or app signal test. It gives you an insight into how much distance you are from the main node or previous node.
- It is good to measure the area for mounting nodes. Nodes that must be placed at ceilings should be higher, while nodes placed on the floor
should be lower.
How to set up a Wi-Fi mesh network
Every Wi-Fi mesh network company has a different procedure to set up the system but this is the general method to set up the system.
- Download the app of your Wi-Fi mesh network.
- After that, unplug your router and, with the help of Ethernet, connect the main node to the router. The main node and the router need to be powered up after reconnecting.
- Now create your account and set the password to your Wi-Fi mesh network.
- To link your account and main node, you should scan a code on the lower side of the main node. After that, name your main node.
- Now, mention all satellite nodes and add one node at a time. As you will add node system will ask you about room location. Add all your required nodes.
- In the end, check your Wi-Fi speed by visiting all rooms and outdoor of your home.
Features Managing for Wi-Fi mesh network
After setting up the mesh system now, it’s time to manage the features of the Wi-Fi mesh network.
- You can create a profile of each family member.
- Add restriction to specific websites like adults and gambling websites.
- Switch off-network at any particular time like study time or dinner time. Add age restriction for any family member, especially kids.
- You can add these restrictions to any member profile as well as their device. Moreover, you can create custom restrictions according to your needs.
- This system is fair with gamers. With the help of the Quality of service setting, you can allocate them their desired bandwidth. You have to drag and drop connected devices to these boxes as high, low, and medium priority in the setting section. It is how gamer will enjoy their desired bandwidth without disturbing the speed of other devices present at the Wi-Fi mesh network.
- This system has introduced a new feature that has direct reach to smart home appliances, which means your appliances like locks, etc., are directly connected to your home Wi-Fi mesh network. You do not need any additional system to connect these appliances.
- Furthermore, this system offers a notification feature if any new client has entered your network and informs you about any virus attack. You can freeze the devices under a virus attack.
If you have a good Wi-Fi system but still face a slow internet browser, use these tricks to speed up your browser.
It is how you set up a Wi-Fi mesh network at your home. The Wi-Fi mesh network is the need of the hour as it saves a lot of your time at work due to its fast speed. Moreover, its beneficial features increase your control over the system. Wrapping up, we are sure now you know how to set up this system at your home.