Home Blog Data analysis Fundamentals of Power BI: 1-Week Training with Carlton Seymour

Fundamentals of Power BI: 1-Week Training with Carlton Seymour

Fundamentals of Power BI: 1-Week Training with Carlton Seymour

Training instructor: Carlton Seymour

In this training, we will cover the fundamentals of Power BI, focusing on topics such as:

  • Data Modeling
  • DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)
  • Report Formatting

To make this training practical, we’ll use fictional data from the Ministry of Tourism in Qatar. The dataset includes the following columns:

  • Date
  • Visa Type
  • Visa Purpose
  • Country
  • Region
  • Visitor Numbers

Step 1: Data Modeling

1.1 Importing Data

  • Go to Get Data and click on the source file which in our case is the Excel file.
  • Select the tourism data file and click Transform Data.
  • Rename the file as Raw Data:
    • Right-click on the file name.
    • Click Rename and type “TourismRaw”.

1.1a Creating staging table

  • Right-click on the Raw Data and select Reference.
  • Rename it as TourismStaging.
  • We‘ll use this table to create further Dimension and Fact tables.

1.2 Creating Dimension Tables

  • Visa Dimension (VisaDim) Table:
    • Right-click on the StagingTourism Table and select Reference.
    • Rename it as VisaDim.
    • Go to Home > Choose Columns and select Visa Type and Visa Purpose.
  • Select Visa Type  column>right click>remove duplicates. This will create unique rows in the VisaDim Table
  • Click Add Column > Index Column > From 1.
  • A new column Index is created.
  • Rename the new column as VisaPK which stands for Primary Key  and drag it to the left most side of the table.

    Country Dimension (CountryDim) Table:
    • Repeat the steps above with Country and Region columns.
    • Rename the new index column as CountryPk.

To create a Dynamic Calendar table you will need to create the StartDate and EndDate Table

Filter for the Earliest Date:

  • Click on the triangle icon in the Date column header.
  • Go to Date Filters and select Is Earliest.
    1. Remove Duplicates:
      • Click on the green line in the Date column.
      • From the menu, choose Remove Duplicates.
    1. Drill Down:
      • Click on the gray line at the bottom of the Date column.
      • From the menu, select Drill Down.
    1. Create the EndDate Table:
      • Repeat this process for the EndDate table.
      • This time, select Is Latest instead of Is Earliest in the Date Filters step.

    1.3 Creating Calander Table

    Create a Blank Query:

    • On the left side of the page, click on the blank space.
    • A menu will appear; select New Query and then Blank Query.

    Generate a List:

    Enter the following formula to generate a list:

    = List.Dates(StartDate, Duration.Days(EndDate – StartDate), #duration(1, 0, 0, 0))

    • Click on the list and select Convert to Table.
    • The list will be converted into a table with a default column named Column 1.

    Rename and Transform Columns:

    • Rename Column 1 to Date.
    • Select the Date column and click on Transform.
    • Move the cursor to the Date icon, click it, and select Year.

    Extract Month and Month Name:

    • Repeat the process for Month and Month Name.

    Create Short Month Name:

    • To get the initials of the month name:
      • Follow the same steps as creating the month name.
      • Then click Transform and select Extract.
    • Choose First Characters from the menu, enter “3” in the dialogue box, and press Enter.
    • Rename this column as Short Month.

    Add Additional Date Columns:

    • Place the cursor on the Date column.
    • Click on Add Column, then on the Date icon, and select Month.
    • Repeat the process to add Start of Month and End of Month columns.

    Add Quarter of Year Column:

    • Follow the same process to add a Quarter of Year column

    1.4 Creating the VisitorFact Table

    1. Create the VisitorFact Table:
      • Click on the Staging table.
      • From the menu, select Reference to create a new table.
      • Rename this new table as VisitorFact.
    2. Select Columns:
      • Go to the Transform tab and click on Choose Columns.
      • Select the following columns: Visa Type, Country, Visa Number, and Date.
    3. Merge with CountryDim:
      • In the Home tab, hover over the Combine icon.
      • Click on Merge Queries.
    • In the dialogue box that appears, select the CountryDim table.
    • Identify the common column between the two tables, which is Country.
    • Select the Country column from both tables, then click OK.
    1. Expand and Select CountryPk:
      • A new column will be added to the VisitorFact table.
      • Click on the two-arrow icon next to this new column.
      • Uncheck all columns except for CountryPk.
    1. Repeat the Process:
      • Repeat the merge process for the Calendar table and the VisaDim table.
    2. Enable Only the Necessary Tables:
      • On the left side of the page, select each table (VisaDim, CountryDim, Calendar, and VisitorFact).
      • check tables you  need to include in the final model.
    3. Save Your Data Model:
      • Click on File at the top left of the page.
      • Select Save and then close.

    Now go to Model and you will see a star schema.


    You have successfully created your data model.

    Step 2: DAX in Power BI

    2.1 Creating a Measure Table

    • Go to Table Tools > New Table and name it MeasureTable.
    • This table will hold all your DAX measures.

    2.2 Writing DAX Measures

    • Right-click on MeasureTable and select New Measure.

    Enter your DAX formulas, such as:

    All Visitors = CALCULATE([Total Visitors], ALL(VisitorFact))

    Some of the DAX measures you’ll create:

    % Total Visitors:
    % Total Visitors = DIVIDE([Total Visitors], [All Visitors])

    VFR Visitors:
    VFR Visitors = CALCULATE([Total Visitors], VisaDim[Visit Purpose] = “VFR”)

    Leisure Visitors:
    Leisure Visitors = CALCULATE([Total Visitors], VisaDim[Visit Purpose] = “Leisure”)

    Rank Country by Visitors:
    Rank Country by Visitors = RANKX(ALL(CountryDim[Countries]), [Total Visitors], , DESC)

    TopN Visitors by Country:
    TopN Visitors by Country = IF([Rank Country by Visitors] <= 5, [Total Visitors])

    Step 3: Report Creation

    1. Add a New Page:
      • Click on the + icon at the bottom of the page to add a new page to the model.
      • Rename this new page as Report.
    1. Insert and Format Shapes:
      • Go to the Insert tab at the top of the page.
      • Under Shapes, select the second rectangle.
    • Right-click on the rectangle and select Format.
    • Set the dimensions and change the fill color to blue.
    • Use Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to create four more rectangle blocks with the same dimensions.
    1. Add a Card Visualization:
      • From the insert pane, select the Card visual.
      • In the Fields pane, right-click on Total Visitors from the Measure table and add it to the card.
    • Set the card’s dimensions to match the previously created rectangles.
    • Click on Callout Value in the Format pane.
    • Change the font color of the top text to orange and the bottom text to white.
    • Drag and position these cards on top of the rectangle blocks.
    • Create cards for total visitors,leisure visitors, business visitors,other visitors.
    1. Insert a Matrix Visualization:
      • Go to Insert and select Matrix from the Visualizations pane.
      • Add Years to the Rows.
      • Add Short Month to the Columns.
      • Add Total Visitors to the Values.
    2. Add Two Bar Charts:
      • Go to Insert and add two Bar Chart visuals.
    3. First Bar Chart:
      • Add Total Visitors to the X-axis.
      • Add Regions to the Y-axis
    4. Second Bar Chart:
      • Add Visit Purpose to the X-axis.
      • Add Regions to the Y-axis.
    5. Here is our dashboard


    This training will provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of Power BI, from data modeling and DAX to report creation, using real-world data.

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