Home Make Up Home made moisturizer

Home made moisturizer


I am using this homemade liquid moisturizer for many years and its really wonderful for skin as well as pocket.No side effect and result is soft baby skin.I apply it on my face ,lips,hand ,feet and around eyes as well as before applying makeup.It is my most important beauty essentials.

Now here is magic product.

You need 3 ingrident

1: rose water


Vitamin E capsule

Take 1 tablespoon of rose water and glycerine(in winters I use 2 table spoon of glycerine).add them in a sprying bottle or any extra eye drop bottle and mix well.I mostly used this version of solution.

But If you want more good results add 2 vitamin e capsule.I extract liquide of capsule and then add in this mixture.

In winters I add few drops of honey in it and apply this on face as night cream

Hope so you like it.
